Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wordless Wednesday 11/23/11


  1. That's what it looked like here last Friday! The snow makes your wreath look even prettier. :)

  2. no snow here in the NC mountains. Your wreath is so pretty with the snow on it.
    Hope your day is a good one.

  3. How beautiful the snow is! It was a cool 44 degrees here in Arizona this morning, but it warms up to the high 70 in the afternoon. I sure do miss the beauty of the snow though! Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

  4. Dear Karen,

    Wow! It looks like you got a lot more than we did! In fact, we got mostly rain...until about noon...when we got just enough snow to cover the ground and make the roads slippery...then back to rain. Life on the coast of Maine!

    Hope you all have a very blessed Thanksgiving tomorrow!

  5. Gen, I do love the snow... You have a wonderful Thanksgiving too!

    Laura, I was very surprised how much snow we got. Looks to be at least 8 inches! I think this is the most slippery time of the year since the ground hasn't frozen yet.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! :)


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