Tuesday, September 10, 2013


If you were awake this morning at 3:30, you were not alone! I was right there with you. After trying to get back to sleep for a bit, I finally realized I was awake awake! You know that feeling? 

Sometimes I am so tired and weary, it's just frustrating that my mind and body don't want to sleep in the early hours of the morning. But then, when I do get up, I realize what a treasure early morning is!

The house is quiet and everyone is asleep. There are no expectations to meet. I feel God calling me to Himself. I know time with Him is just what I need to be ready for this day. 

I don't know what it holds, what challenges and joys are coming. I don't know if I'll hear good news or bad. I don't know if it'll be easy and smooth, or difficult and full of hardship. But God knows. 

Bleary eyed, I put the coffee on... Too tired to concentrate, I start with worship music...

Encouraged, I'm ready for God's Word...

Strengthened, yet aware of my need, I call out to God...

Grateful, I thank God that my body won't sleep in the early morning...and I know it's not my body but Him...in His love for me knowing...

That I need Him today, that later is too late...because the day will be off like a shot and night will be upon me before I'm aware...

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life. ~Psalm 143:8

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