Monday, April 16, 2012

Off the Book Shelf, into My Hands

Read any good books lately? In some seasons, it seems like all the *good books* are gone and then in other seasons, I have a stack waiting. Right now I have a stack! Here are the ones I am actively reading: 
For Comfort's sake:
"Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young is a daily devotional. I am usually not a big fan of devotionals. I prefer to just read my Bible and see what God speaks to me through it. But I really love this devotional!! It is good for those hard places in life!

For Conviction's sake:

I'm better than half way through this book ("What Happens When Women Say Yes to God", by Lysa Terkeurst) and it is speaking right to where I am. It's really about obedience to God and allowing him to take you out of your comfort zone and into the hard places that lead to the *abundant life!* It's not a big book, it's not earth shattering.'s good. :)

For Clarity's sake: 

In "The Dream Giver" by Bruce Wilkinson, the author gives a parable about following the dream God gave to you and overcoming the obstacles that will inevitable come and then moves into explanations. The font size is on the big side which makes the book very quick and easy to read. 

Just *Cuz* I love a good book:

This is Neta Jackson's newest book, "Stand by Me." I love, love Neta Jackson. Her fiction encourages my walk with God and always my prayer life!! Her books (Yadda Yadda Prayer Group and more) are always a page turner! I love them!! 

What's off your shelf??

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