Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Homeschool Mother's Journal 11/19/2011

In my life this week…It was a pretty quiet "stay-at-home" kinda week with Fellowship Group here on Monday and just going out for Youth Group on Thursday. :) I need to get planning on Christian's 15th birthday! (15?? WOW!!)

In our homeschool this week…I was feeling like we weren't doing as much schooling as last year. The load felt *lighter*. I asked my kids...they disagreed! They thought it was much *heavier*. I think I am noticing the difference between homeschooling 3 kids and now homeschooling 2 kids. It feels lighter *to me.* To them, they might not like that I have more time to focus on them...(insert small mwa-ha-ha!)

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…Think outside the books! Take some time to help a friend, meet a need, get some fresh air!! Sticking too close to the books becomes very one dimensional. We're training them for more than just "how to study." There, I was totally preaching to myself!

I am inspired by…people who weather great storms of life and keep their joy.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…This week we only saw people from Youth Group. Next week we'll have fun enjoying Thanksgiving with close friends!

My favorite thing this week was…getting to slow down and bit and spend time getting things done at home. :)

What’s working/not working for us…Homeschool-wise, Greek is just not happening. I think I need to order flash cards to jump start an easy way to review so we can get moving again. Putting Geometry on the wall definitely IS working. On the "round the house front" the raking of leaves is not going well. You rake 'em up, you just get more. Don't quite "get it."

Things I’m working on…knitting a blanket, getting a better menu system, all things youth ministry, discipling women, Thanksgiving planning, Christmas wreaths, cleaning up the yard. :)

I’m reading…the Bible, "Introverts in the Church: Finding Our Place in an Extroverted Culture" by Adam S. McHugh.

I’m cooking…Let me share a picture :)

I’m praying for…too many things to list...but sensing a call to pray MORE for the teens in my family and in my church.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share… 
(My view across the table in the morning. Rachel sits beside me. I just realized we have a "girl side" and "guy side" going!)


  1. Our dinner table is the same way: three boys on one side and two girls on the other. Mom and Dad are at the heads of the table. Love the name of your blog!

  2. Thanks! :) Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. :)


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