Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thankful Thursday 7/21/11~Collecting Memorial Stones

My confidence rests in God and God alone. I trust in the Lord with all my heart. I do.

Yesterday I woke up at 4:30 a.m. with a sense of worry and fear. By 5 I realized sleep was a useless pursuit and I got up. Images of all that could go wrong as my son goes to college this fall ran through my head. Some things I thought about were realistic, some a little far fetched. 

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

Yesterday I spent time on my deck just reading my Bible and praying and then just breathing and listening to birds sing. I call it "deck therapy!!"

Today I am purposely recalling the Lord's faithfulness to me as a mother and to my son. I am remembering Alice, who when I was pregnant said to me, "Put that child in God's hands now and keep him there and life will go much better for you!" The fact is, my son has put HIMSELF in God's hands and he is there whether I recognize it or not (praise God)! And it is my CHOICE whether I dwell in the peace of that or not! Sometimes CHOOSING where to dwell is a lot more work than other times!!

I am thankful for:

282. A safe and uneventful pregnancy with my firstborn and a healthy delivery.

283. That time when he found a dead mouse intact and brought it to me that he didn't catch a disease! EW!

284. All the times he was sick and got better, all the times he was injured and healed well.

285. All the times he was out of my sight and came home safe. 

286. All the times he was put in the hands of another and was unharmed.

287. All the baseball games, basketball games, and soccer games that he was kept safe in.

288. That time when he jumped in the air in a soccer game and someone clipped his feet and he landed on his head and the sports trainer ran to the field thinking he wouldn't be able to walk but he got up...and had a concussion...but he got better.

289. All the endless car rides without incident, the airplane flights without crashing.

290. All the people God put in his life to love on him, to encourage him, to help him in his growing faith.

291. All the people God moved to pray for him over the years.

292. Last summer when we put him on a plane alone to the Detroit airport and a stranger picked him up and strangers had them stay in their home and strangers took care of him and he ministered with strangers and he came home safe and with great memories of great people who had become friends. How God helped him maneuver a big, confusing airport alone.

293. For cell phones that keep me connected to where he is and when he needs help.

294. For giving him a level head to make decisions.

295. For providing for him to go to college.

296. For confirming to him and us which college he should attend.

297. For  an older couple we know who lives near the college.

298. That we can go down to N.C. as a family and all see where he will live.

299. For school breaks about every 6 weeks so we can see him.

300. For email and Facebook that can help stay in touch with him (or show me he's alive *wink*). 

301. That God brought him this far and will continue to lead and shepherd him.

302. That God never slumbers or sleeps.

“He hath never failed thee yet.
Never will His love forget.
O fret not thyself nor let
Thy heart be troubled,
Neither let it be afraid.”

— Amy Carmichael

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