Friday, July 4, 2014

Keeping First things First!

It's hit me. I am returning to Nicaragua in October for a short visit with 9 others from my church who are more my family than my friends! And just like life snaps into focus...

"Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven."

Those things that can get under my skin and fool me into thinking they're important start to fade: a leaky roof, a car that failed inspection, nearly new kid pants with holes already in the knees...

Life is so much bigger than my own little world.

I am both excited and sober about my upcoming trip. I want it to count. I want to bring hope, love, encouragement to the people I meet. The time there will be short!!

I can't believe I am going there with 98% of my best friends on the planet!!! I am excited to lock arms with my friends and serve together!

Last time I was there it was to bond with our 4 children and to bring them home. We hunkered down in our rental home to become a family. This time it will be about reaching OUT. We'll be bringing Bibles and Christian literature, providing food and clothing. We'll be celebrating and spending time with girls in a protection center. 

"They Kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven."

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