Friday, March 23, 2012

The Homeschool Mother's Journal (3/23/12)

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life last week...Though we worked a full school week, we sure did enjoy the *weather vacation* of temperatures between the 70's and 80's! I'll confess to a huge dose of *spring fever* and I think my kids did a better job of focusing on school than I did. In the afternoons, I've been listening to sermons from youtube as I go about my work. A few weeks ago I discovered David Platt. This week I discovered Francis Chan. Such challenging sermons I pray I can be a "doer of the Word and not a hearer only." 

In our homeschool this week...We are working furiously on Math (Alg. 1 and Geometry). Everyone sees the finish line and wants to be done with it. We slowed down with our Science to clean up some loose ends. Being behind in Ancient History (my fault), we pulled ourselves together and got things moving again. We studied Rehoboam, Jeroboam, Elijah, Elisha, Ahab and the Assyria Empire. Hopefully in a week or so we'll be in Greece (in our studies of course *wink*).

I'm inspired by...A challenge to go deeper as a family in challenging ourselves to serve God and minister TOGETHER. That can be such a challenge, but one we need to take on. I'm thinking specifically of how we can help and serve others in need.

Questions, thoughts I have...
How can we breathe more life into our homeschool next year? 
In what ways can we savor our time together (my youngest will be a Freshman in High School!!)?

I'm pouring over catalogs choosing curriculum. I am formulating an idea in my mind of having them each choose one subject and write the curriculum. I think it might be healthy to spend the year learning to ask the right questions instead of answering someone else's. We'll see what happens! 

Things I am working on...I'm still decluttering though the end is in sight, I want to paint my son's room and get the house/yard ready for spring and summer. :) Then there's those curriculum decisions I mentioned...

A picture to share...This one was taken by my daughter Rachel out our car window as we were driving by. Soon the brown fields will be green! 

1 comment:

  1. I like that idea of high schoolers writing curriculum. I will ponder that one for a while.


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