Last year, as I've mentioned, my word for the year was "trust." The verses that marked my year were Proverbs 3:5-6:
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths."
Last year was all about launching our homeschooled son into his next phase of life: college. I needed straight paths big time! I had not been that great at doing things ahead or even on time. There were SAT's to take, the decision of whether to retake as many do, the decision to take or not take ACT's, the transcript to prepare (grading is hard!), and colleges to visit (from Virginia to Missouri to North Carolina). There was not only the question of which college was right for him but how it would be paid for. In the meantime there was a senior year to complete and driving hours to accumulate and a driving test to take.
I need to trust that God knew all about this and that He would lead my son in spite of my failures. I had to learn to be used of God without getting in the way of this important decision.
Through it all God.was.so.faithful! I found him again, wholly trustworthy! God led and provided every step of the way!! At times it just seemed impossible. We didn't even have a college fund! But when God moves, He moves and you better buckle your seatbelt!!
I leaned on Him, hard! I acknowledged His Sovereignty, His love for my son, His shepherding. By His grace and mercy and love, He moved and led.
As I look back at 2011, I am just amazed. Everything that needed to get done got done. The decisions that needed to be made were made. The money that needed to be paid, got paid. In the end all those college trips and tuition was paid and without any debt. Praise God!!! When I begin to add up the money I can't even trace where it came from, it just did!! We were even able to travel as a family to North Carolina to spend a week moving him into his room.
Christians came forward to provide free lodging when it was needed. During one delayed flight my son and husband happened to be sitting beside a pastor's wife. She assured them (since the connecting flight was long gone) that if the airline didn't provide a free hotel (which they did) that they could stay with her and her husband. She was even originally from Maine and knew some of the people we did. When I say every detail was taken care of, I mean every detail!!
There were hard days, sad days...but God is so good. By His mercy He does not hold my days of doubt and fear against me but continues to lead and provide as a loving Father.
TRUST in the Lord...TRUST.
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