Saturday, March 26, 2011


We live in a busy, crazy world. Quietness and rest is hard to find and when we do find it, we might feel quite guilty for utilizing it. Surely, there is something we should be doing instead of resting!

Expectations are high. Competition is fierce. You can't even make a quick run to the store without someone calling you on your cell phone, right? The word rest seems to have been redefined as laziness.

If that's how you are feeling today, remember that rest is God's idea. God gave us the example of rest when He rested on the seventh day of His Creation work. True rest is found in God alone.

"My soul rests in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken." Psalm 62:1-2

Until we know Him as Savior, we can rest and relax all day every day in the lap of luxury, but we will not feel peaceful. Rather we will be ever restless, ever searching but for what we may not even realize.

Once we know Jesus as our Savior we are capable of rest but need to remind ourselves to find our soul's rest in Him and to make a priority in resting our minds and bodies as well.  We need to give ourselves permission to unplug and restore ourselves.

How do you find rest and relaxation?

This time of year, whilst we are still under a snowpack I like to:

(I am attempting to make a cotton blanket for my bed using  Grandma's Basic Dishcloth Pattern . I saw this idea years ago. You just keep increasing until it is the size for a blanket and then decrease. We'll see if it works!)

Do little mindless projects around the house:
(I'm creating a recipe box of recipes we ACTUALLY EAT to help with menu planning! I can copy a few a day when I have some spare time.)

(For the first time in my life I am reading a book for the second time! I never "re-read!" But I am re-reading the Yadda Yadda series and really enjoying it!!)

Speaking of reading, you can find free Kindle and Nook books weekly at: The Vessel Project . I don't have a Kindle OR a Nook but you can download the App. to read on your computer at the Amazon or Barnes and Noble Websites.

Soon the snow will melt and I can

Plant flowers and a few veggies:

(And I find it very relaxing to visit the various greenhouses in the area!)

Visit the beach:

And local parks:

Rest only becomes laziness when it is out of balance. However, I think most of us err on the side of all "work and no play." Most of us need to be a bit intentional with our rest. We must mark time out and plan it. It's important to us and it's important to teach our children. :)

What do you find restful?

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