Saturday, February 5, 2011

Homeschool Plans~It's that Time of Year!!

This year we will graduate our first homeschool student. I remember when I went from homeschooling two to homeschooling three of my kids. On the day the books came I got so overwhelmed that I became nauseous and dizzy and had to lay down for an hour! It just seemed so daunting to teach three grade levels at once. Now here I am, soon to go from homeschooling three to homeschooling two and it seems very sad... So, if you are adding one of your younger children to your "school" and it seems overwhelming, remember some day you will be sad to see your numbers dwindle back again!

Usually about February I make my plans for the following year and decide what we will do and what I will need to buy. My goal is to have it purchased well before summer break so that I have the summer to look things over. :) 

Beginning in the fall of 2011, I will be homeschooling an 8th grader and a 9th grader. So, here's our list. I'll link each curriculum to it's website.

History, Geography, Worldview, Bible, Literature: Tapestry of Grace Year 1
     Year 1 Covers the time period from Creation to the Fall of Rome. They will both use the Dialectic Level. I love it because TOG has an incredible Survey of the Bible built into the History. This will be my last time to teach Ancient History. I will have taught it 4 times!

Koine Greek (Biblical Greek): Hey Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek . They'll be finishing up Level 6 and beginning Level 7. 
(Besides the fact that learning Greek aids in Bible Study, I think that learning a language no longer spoken is a great introduction to language study of any kind. A language no longer spoken is highly standardized because it is no longer changing which makes it easier to learn.)  

Math: Teaching Textbooks . Christian (grade 9) will be doing Geometry and Rachel (grade 8) will be doing Algebra 1. 

Science: Apologia Christian will be doing Physical Science and Rachel will do General Science. 

Composition: The Institute for Excellence in Writing We'll be using the Continuation B program.

Spelling: Sequential Spelling 
I don't know when we'll stop working on spelling. But this takes us about 5 minutes per day so I don't think we'll stop yet.  

Vocabulary: SAT Vocabulary Cartoons 
  We love this series. It presents the definition and a cartoon (usually humorous) using the words. The kids write out the definition and then make their own cartoon. It's fun and makes the words/definitions easy to learn. 

Language Arts: Alpha Omega
I suffer from language arts overkill. I freely admit it. I use Alpha Omega for any area I have failed to teach. This is my "go to fill in the gaps" curriculum. It's presented in a similar style as many of the tests they will have to take (with color added).

Anything else they do will be interest driven. They both play instruments (Christian on drums and bass guitar, Rachel on piano and acoustic guitar.) They'll work on their instruments. They both love to write fiction. Christian has been learning computer programming and he'll play soccer. They'll spend time drawing and learning more in that area and they'll spend time cooking. Who knows what new interests they'll pick up next year! They're both pretty good at getting their work done quickly and usually have plenty of time to pursue their interests. :) 

Every family is different and this is what works for us. There are times that I have to pull back what I have planned because it is too much. I don't hesitate to do that when needed. 

I love to see what others are doing and that is my motivation for sharing what I do. I hope anyone reading will just see it as what works for one family and not a "this is what anyone else should do." There is no one way to homeschool that's for sure! We do better where there is lots of structure. Other's do better when the day is free flowing and being interest driven in more subjects. :)

If you post what you are using I hope you'll let me know. I love to see other plans. It's just fun to all be planning together!! 


  1. Looks great, whileI no longer have to plan out a school year, I do need to get busy planning out the summer.


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