Saturday, October 22, 2011

Living My Best Life ~ Intentionally ~Pt. 1

I think the biggest enemy to living my best life is in letting the days drag me along. I live on "defense", responding and reacting to what happens and what needs to happen each day. That is also how those "wrong paths" I mentioned last time can sneak up on me. 

Once I started really defining what I wanted my life to include I quickly realized that would never come close to happening unless I started to live on "offense", to live on purpose. I have to know what I want my life to look like and then do the work and make the tough choices to make that happen. It means saying "no" to the things that don't fit that picture, it means making room for the things that do. 

There are three major roles/priorities in my life and other smaller roles. How do those affect my decisions and how I live my life? How do they define my life? These are the things I have been thinking through. I want my life to honor each of those roles. 

1. Follower of Jesus Christ. What has God asked me to do?

2. Wife. Are my husband and I on the same page? Am I the wife God wants me to be? 

3. Mom. Am I raising my kids to know Jesus and to serve him? Am I mentoring them? Am I loving them, enjoying them? Are they "with me" or have I "left them behind?"

4. Daughter, sister, friend... Do I take time for my loved ones?

5. Woman. Am I taking care of myself so I have the energy for my intentional life? What are my gifts? Am I a hard worker? lazy? industrious? creative? 

What are your roles? What are your goals? Are you living intentionally? I'll take these one by one in my following posts. These aren't meant to be preachy. I am just sharing. I know sometimes seeing these types of things from other women can be encouraging (I hope!) so I share. :)

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father." Colossians 3:17


  1. Defining rolls and priorities is where intentional living starts. It does get difficult at times trying to balance all that is in our paths. Looking forward to your upcoming posts as you share your thoughts on this.

  2. Good post, Karen. Something to think about. Thank you.


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