Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Homeschooling, the Holidays, and Flexibility

The holidays are fully upon us!! It's easy to get overwhelmed, isn't it? There's extra church services, concerts, service opportunities, visits with friends, family gatherings (well, I don't have that one...our moms and siblings live far away), shopping, offering hospitality, making homemade gifts, card sending, and more. 

I know sometimes we can start to feel like the planning takes away from the true meaning of the holiday (that Jesus Christ came to earth and lived among men). I don't feel that way. If you look at the celebrations that took place in the Old Testament you see lots of preparation. In fact, I love that I actually hear songs about Jesus in the stores as I shop! I sing right along (quietly...most of the time...lol!). 

But here IS the thing. It's time to remind myself of one of the reasons I homeschool-FLEXIBILITY! Oh how easy I forget. I've got these grand plans to race through far too many books and I can easily overwhelm my kids and myself with what I plan to get done during the busy holiday season. 

I want to enjoy December. I want us to serve others. That takes time, time away from our studies. But it is soooo worth it!
Therefore, I am dividing up our schooling into:
What must be done, 
What would be nice to get done but we could survive without,
What could easily be put on the back burner until after the holidays.

For us:
What must be done = Geometry/Algebra and Literature.
What would be nice to get done = History, Science, Composition.
What could easily be put on the back burner = Grammar, Vocabulary, and Koine Greek.

Then to make sure we're not wasting time, I'm scheduling out the decorating, the cooking, the serving, the shopping. Is that crazy? I am not the "scheduling type" but have been trying to learn from my "schedule-type" friends! ;) 

I am going to enjoy this holiday season! I pray these changes in my mindset help my family to enjoy it more too! What are you doing to enjoy the holiday season?

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17

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